Brian McJury
Associate Director :: Master Mariner

Brian is a Master Mariner with 30 years combined experience at sea and ashore, including command of roll-on/roll-off vessels, pilotage, conventional and high-speed ferry operations including catamarans, gas turbines and water jet propulsion. Brian also spent several years on ice breaking vessels. His primary focus is on marine claims, disputes and litigation.
- Experienced Master Mariner
- Extensive Ports and Harbours and Operational Experience
- Oil, Gas and Renewable Project Experience
- Cargo Damage Incidents Experience
As a Harbour Master and Board member with large multi-cargo port authorities and fishery harbours, he implemented and managed port marine and stevedoring services, pilotage, ISPS requirements, port safety and risk management systems, fishery harbour and aquaculture issues and major port development projects. Within a white list flag state, he implemented national Pilotage and international STCW legislation requirements in addition to managing their technical services.
He has provided investigation and expert evidence, both written and oral, for major marine casualties, fatalities and serious injuries including expert evidence at the Old Bailey in criminal proceedings and Admiralty Court. A recent case focused extensively on port safety “Arklow Shipping -v- Drogheda Port”, [2021] IEHC 601.
Brian has also been involved as an expert in many vessel, port and cargo damage incidents including collisions, ice damage, cable and pipeline damages, crane damage, crane topples and groundings.
His port and harbour experiences have seen him give evidence in mooring failures, manoeuvering, pilotage error casualties and foreshore planning disputes, including a recent public inquiry for Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company, APP/J2210/C/18/3209299.
He has advised overseas harbour authorities on effective port access and operational mitigation following damage to their facilities and advised national maritime authorities on port safety and tug use, deep-water oil spill mitigation and the implementation of international legislation.
His sea experience includes offshore and dive vessels, ice breakers, coasters, survey vessels, harbour workboats, dredgers and ECDIS navigation and working within a flag state authority. He is an approved inspector and casualty investigator for white list flag states.
Brian has attended, and project managed, multiple offshore oil, gas and renewable energy construction projects worldwide, including a Siberian LNG ‘megaproject’.
Waves Group Personnel